Nintendo Wii Diagnostic Disc Source Code

Edit on Github | Updated: 1st December 2024

In the Nintendo leak on 20th July 2021 an archive called DIAG4RVL.7z was released to the internet, this archive contains a CVS repository containing 3 different software development kits for the Wii (codename Revolution).

The three folders that were contained inside this archive were:

  • DIAG - Internal Wii Diagnostic Tool Source code
  • RevoEX - Extensions to the Wii SDK
  • SDK - Version 3.2 of the Wii SDK

The reason the SDK and RevoEX folder are included is they are dependencies required to build the DIAG tool from source.

The Wii SDK has been released before and we will have a separate post covering the contents of that folder in the near future. This post will focus on the contents of the DIAG folder.


Before going into depth about each of the files contained in the DIAG4RVL tool source code there are a few important things to note about the software and the hardware it runs on.

What is DIAG4RVL?

Initially it was thought that the name DIAG4RVL just meant Diagnostic tool for Revolution (Wii), however it seems to actually be version 4 of the Diag tool, with version 3 being used for the Gamecube.

Who used DIAG4?

DIAG4 was only to be used internally at Nintendo, apparently due to security issues. It is used to diagnose hardware issues with consoles. Presumably if you send a faulty Wii to Nintendo this is the disc they would put in the console to see what needed fixed.

When was it released?

The first release of the DIAG4 tool was in December 2005 and the last release (1.6) being released on the 8th August 2006 just a few months before the retail launch of the Wii.

Although according to the documentation file DIAG_4_9_readme.txt there was a version 4.9 released on the 9th of January 2009.

What hardware did it run on?

It is to be run on the Wii development kit hardware (NDEV) but it is currently unverified if it runs on retail Wii hardware.

How are the logs written?

The log files that are written during the execution of the tests are sent to the connected PC using one of the two tools:

  • Barnacle (USB, RS232C connector)
  • Waikiki (USB)

What variants exist?

There are multiple variants of the Disc based on which parameters you supply to make, they each perform different tests.

The variants and the tests they perform are:

  • Master - Runs most of the tests
    • Disk Name: RVL_DIAG_Ver4_91 (015E)
    • runs tests: full_auto aging_test sort_auto gfx_auto gtop_auto gekko_auto mem_auto manual info
  • Aging - Runs tests to check how well the hardware ages
    • Disk Name: RVL_AGING_Ver1_0 (100J)
    • runs tests: ?
  • Master DIF - Board Checking tests
    • Disk Name: Board_Checker_RVL_F (123J)
    • runs tests: Board_Aging Other
  • Master uji - Possible for Retail Consoles?
    • Disk Name: RVL_FINALIZED_DIAG_Ver2_0 (124E)
    • runs tests: sorting_f manual_f aging_test_f
  • NEC - Seems to be a disc specific for a NEC hardware test
    • runs tests: NEC_auto info

How is it built?

The Wii (Revolution) SDK is required to build the Diagnostic disk just like any wii game, so the handily contains the wii SDK included in the folder SDK.

To build the SDK you need a working Wii SDK along with Cygwin, when you have that simply run the bash command to make the master disc image:

make master

What does the build scripts execute?

As far as I can see building the DIAG4 Disc involves a number of different tools:

  • mddl - Windows executable that takes in a .MDL file and builds a DVD_ROOT folder
  • makedol - Converts the nmenu.elf file into a Gamecube/Wii executable .DOL file
  • ndstop -
  • - Perl script to?
  • unix2dos -
  • elf2rom -
  • MakeTestPattern -

What are all these file formats?

Here is a brief description of the main file formats you will encounter in this codebase:

  • DDF format - seems to be the definition of the data to be written to a DVD such as the game name, company. Or it is used to emulate folders on a PC to act like they are a DVD for the development kit.
  • MDL format - Used by MDDL.exe seems to describe all the different diagnostic tests split into groups such as Board_Aging etc

Wii DIAG tool Source Code (/)

This folder contains the source code and all the fields required to build the DIAG4 tool for Wii.

It is split into five main folders:

  • build - Contains the Source code for all the tests and tools used, this is the main folder of interest
  • docs - Documentation mainly in Japanese
  • dvddata - Contains all of the assets used by the various tests such as images sounds etc, these are copied straight to the DVD.
  • include - All the C Header files used throughout the codebase
  • mddlwin - Contains the source code to the MDDL.exe tool along with a manual in Japanese

This root folder also contains some important files used to build the DVD image, which are described in the table below.

File Name Extension Description
Makefile N/A Used to build the source code in the folder (run make)
master .ddf, .mdl The Disk description files for building the Main DIAG4 DVD
master.aging .ddf Disk description file for building the Ageing tests DVD
master.dif .ddf Disk description file to create the Board Checking (DIF) DVD
master.uji .ddf Disk description file to create the Final DIAG4 DVD (possibly for retail hardware?)
readme.en .txt Short english documentation explaining how to build and use the discs

Docs (/docs)


This folder contains documentation explaining how to use and how to write tests that verify the Nintendo Gamecube and Wii hardware. Since the Wii version of DIAG was just a fork of the original gamecube the documentation will mention either depending on how to date the document is.

File Name Extension Description
DIAG4_9_readme .txt Contains notes about DIAG version 4.9 such as the IOS (Wii OS) versions supported
DIAG4_list .xls List of all the tests along with a 2 byte identifier for the tests (e.g 0x0100)
NMENU_Option_Usage .txt English text document explaining the difference between the three different NMenu parameters (SD2NAND, NANDLoader, SDLoader)
PCB_Test_number .xls Seems to be a list of tests along with two different version numbers called MP and PP, unsure what they are
aging_sequence .txt The order in which to run the tests for the ageing disc
diag_attention_for_MP .txt Summary of DIAG precautions, mentions changes between Hollywood and Hollywood1, changes in the IOS Operating System .doc Japanese Word document containing details on how to write graphics tests for Flipper that are pass/fail, there are three methods (gfxoldbuFinish, CRC Compute, DIAGCheck CRC) .doc Word document describing how to write low level hardware tests for the various different memory chips inside the Nintendo Gamecube
diag_readme .txt Basic description of how to use the DIAG Tool for gamecube mentions Zebra and Gekko, but no idea what zebra is
err_code .txt Perl script with a .txt extensio that contains all the different error codes for each of the tests e.g tex-lodA, ddr_test etc
make_offset_sdimage_readme .txt Document explaining how to create and burn an SD Card image for use with SDLoader
sdloader_readme .txt Document explaining how to modify the DIAG tests via SD Card instead of burning a new Disc
trace_code .txt Document by BroadOn which describes all the different LED codes for Boot0/Boot1/Boot2/SD Card app/IOS boot, they are all one byte and are displayed as hexadecimal

There is reference to both Hollywood and Hollywood-1 (Bollywood) in the document from 2009, Hollywood is the original version of the Wii graphics chip and Hollywood-1 is the second more secure version aslso known as Bollywood. The references to Hollywood-1 and Bollywood are in the document diag_attention_for_MP.txt but are all in Japanese so it is hard to understand exactly what it is saying.

One of the most interesting documents here is the file as it explains three different methods for verifying that the graphics hardware is working and code examples of how to use each one.

ATI Hardware Docs (/docs/ati/hw/)


This folder contains a subset of content already leaked and documented in the Emerald leak. These documents were created by ATI and relate to the Wii hardware. For a description of the files check out our post on the Emerald Leak under the section doc/hw/sys.

Mddlwin (/mddlwin)


This folder contains the source code and a pre-compiled executable for a Windows GUI program called MDDLWin.

MDDLWin is a tool to make it easier to manage all the different tests that will be executed in the DIAG tool on the Wii.

Each test has its own compiled ELF that will be executed on the console along with some meta data such as the test name, a description and a unique 2 byte ID.

The main window is split into 3 top sections:

  • DIAG - Lists all the tests along with their 2 byte unique ID
  • GROUP - You can group multiple DIAGs together by dragging and dropping from DIAG to GROUP
  • MASTER - You can drag and drop items from either the DIAG or GROUP lists here and only these tests will be written to DVD root.

Under the DIAG list there is a bunch of toggle buttons such as GEKKO these filter the DIAG list to only include the category of tests that have been toggled.

The files in this folder are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description .doc Japanese manual giving brief introduction to the interface
TFileStream2 .cpp, .h Implementation of a simple file stream, to read bytes line by line
Unit1 .cpp, .dfm, .h Implementation of the GUI (TForm1) such as tree view drag and drop and loading MDL files
makedol .c, .h The source code for the makedol tool that converts ELF to DOL format
mddl .bpr, .cpp, .res Just contains the WinMain to create the Unit1 form, standard template from Borland C++ Builder
mddlwin .exe Pre-compiled executable of the tool for Windows

The project was written using Borland C++ Builder and if you have the IDE you can open the project file mddl.bpr.

The Unit1.dfm file can be edited in C++ Builder as it contains the layout of the main Form. The implementation that goes along with the form is Unit1.cpp and has the code for loading the MDL file and populating the form.

The code for Unit1 is fairly standard C++ Builder code so it might not be particularly interesting to you, unless you are interested in the MDL format.

What is more interesting the reverse engineers is the source code for the makedol tool which is contained in makedol.c. This tool converts compiled ELF files into the Gamecube/Wii executable Dolphin file. This can be worth a read if you have ever wondered about the difference between .DOL and .ELF files.

If you are interested in the DOL format, it is partly documented in this WiiBrew page: DOL - WiiBrew

Code Files


  • const int bufsize
  • char buffer[bufsize]
  • int restsize
  • int now
  • bool isend
  • TFileStream2::TFileStream2(const AnsiString s,Word in):TFileStream(s,in)
  • int __fastcall TFileStream2::Readln(void *p)
  • int __fastcall TFileStream2::Readst(char *p)
  • int ScanString(char *in,char *table)
  • char ReadString(char *in,char *table,bool *Find)
  • char TrimString(char *in,char *table)


  • Form1 *Form1
  • AnsiString ConvertSl(char *s)
  • int SearchGroup(char *p)
  • int SearchDiag(char *p)
  • void DecodeGroups(char *groups,int *glink)
  • void DecodeDiags(char *diags,int *dlink)
  • bool GetFileData(AnsiString name,TSearchRec&sr)
  • void CopyResource(AnsiString from,AnsiString to,bool isDelete)
  • AnsiString groupfile
  • AnsiString diagfile
  • AnsiString resourcefile
  • AnsiString masterfile
  • AnsiString dvdrootdir
  • AnsiString mddldefname
  • char ENV_ROOT
  • char systemname
  • AnsiString rootdir
  • const BUTTON_WIDTH
  • tablestr table[]
  • TPanel list[sizeof(table)/sizeof(tablestr)]
  • const BUFFER_SIZE
  • int DiagSize
  • int GroupSize
  • DData Diag[1000]
  • GData Group[300]
  • bool isTreeViewSelected
  • NodeStr TV2Node
  • bool ppcmode
  • int Lang
  • __fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent *Owner):TForm(Owner)
  • void __fastcall TForm1::FormClose(TObject *Sender,TCloseAction&Action)
  • bool TForm1::isSelectedDiag()
  • bool TForm1::isSelectedGroup()
  • char AddResource(TListBox *L,char *from,char *to)
  • DData TForm1::DoDiag(char *name,TFileStream2 *f,DData&Diag,TListBox *L)
  • GData TForm1::DoGroup(char *name,TFileStream2 *f,GData&Group)
  • int SearchGroup(char *p)
  • int SearchDiag(char *p)
  • void DecodeGroups(char *groups,int *glink)
  • void DecodeDiags(char *diags,int *dlink)
  • bool TForm1::ReadMddl(AnsiString filename,TListBox *L1,TListBox *L2,TListBox *L3)
  • bool DoDiag2(DData&Diag,TListBox *L,int&num)
  • bool TForm1::ReadMddl(AnsiString filename,TListBox *L1,TListBox *L2,TListBox *L3)
  • int __fastcall TForm1::SelectClick()
  • void __fastcall TForm1::BevelClick(TObject *Sender)
  • void __fastcall TForm1::ListBox1Click(TObject *Sender)
  • struct NodeStr TForm1::Develop(bool isParent,int i,NodeStr Node,TTreeView *GroupTree)
  • struct NodeStr __fastcall TForm1::DevelopChild(int i,NodeStr Node,TTreeView *GroupTree)
  • void __fastcall TForm1::GroupReadClick()
  • void __fastcall TForm1::GroupTreeClick(TObject *Sender)
  • AnsiString ConvertSl(char *s)
  • void TForm1::UpdateSystem()
  • void TForm1::ShowDiagContents(TListBox *ListBox,int target)
  • void TForm1::ShowGroupContents(TListBox *ListBox,int target)
  • void __fastcall TForm1::GroupTreeMouseDown(TObject *Sender,TMouseButton Button,TShiftState Shift,int X,int Y)
  • void __fastcall TForm1::JumpToClick(TObject *Sender)
  • void __fastcall TForm1::GroupTreeMouseUp(TObject *Sender,TMouseButton Button,TShiftState Shift,int X,int Y)
  • void __fastcall TForm1::MasterTreeDragOver(TObject *Sender,TObject *Source,int X,int Y,TDragState State,bool&Accept)
  • void __fastcall TForm1::MasterTreeDragDrop(TObject *Sender,TObject *Source,int X,int Y)
  • bool GetFileData(AnsiString name,TSearchRec&sr)
  • void CopyResource(AnsiString from,AnsiString to,bool isDelete)
  • bool isMatchCache(TListBox *L,AnsiString file,AnsiString dfile)
  • void FDelete(AnsiString dname,AnsiString fname)
  • void __fastcall TForm1::CreateButtonClick(TObject *Sender)
  • int TForm1::isMatchResource(AnsiString str,TListBox *L)
  • void __fastcall TForm1::FileFormatGroupClick(TObject *Sender)
  • void __fastcall TForm1::FormActivate(TObject *Sender)
  • void __fastcall TForm1::RootPanelClick(TObject *Sender)
  • void TForm1::ParseArg()
  • void __fastcall TForm1::DvdrootPanelClick(TObject *Sender)
  • void __fastcall TForm1::MddlPanelClick(TObject *Sender)
  • void __fastcall TForm1::DeleteButtonClick(TObject *Sender)
  • void TForm1::SetErrorMessage(EMode mode,TListBox *L,AnsiString s)
  • void TrimRAdd(TListBox *L,AnsiString s)
  • void TrimLAdd(TListBox *L,AnsiString s)
  • void TrimAdd(TListBox *L,AnsiString s)
  • bool TForm1::ReadMddl2(AnsiString filename,TListBox *L1,TListBox *L2,TListBox *L3)
  • void __fastcall TForm1::CheckButtonClick(TObject *Sender)
  • void __fastcall TForm1::WMGetMinMaxInfo(TWMGetMinMaxInfo&msg)
  • void __fastcall TForm1::LangGroupClick(TObject *Sender)


  • u32 Verbose
  • ElfHdr Eh
  • ElfPrgHdr Ph
  • u32 Swap32(u32 val)
  • u16 Swap16(u16 val)
  • void SwapPh(ElfPrgHdr *pp)
  • void SwapEh(ElfHdr *ep)
  • DolImage EatPh(FILE *fp)
  • DolImage ElfRead(const char *elfFile)
  • int Pad32(FILE *fout,u32 bytes)
  • int DumpDol(DolImage *ip,char *outFile)
  • void ConvertToUnixFmt(char *fmt)
  • static u32 Swap32(u32 val)
  • static u16 Swap16(u16 val)
  • static void SwapPh(ElfPrgHdr *pp)
  • static void SwapEh(ElfHdr *ep)
  • static DolImage EatPh(FILE *fp)
  • static DolImage ElfRead(const char *elfFile)
  • static int Pad32(FILE *fout,u32 bytes)
  • static int DumpDol(DolImage *ip,char *outFile)
  • static void ConvertToUnixFmt(char *fmt)
  • int MakeDol(char *inFile,char *outFile)

Include (/include)


This folder contains all the C/C++ Header files used throughout all the different DIAG tests.

It is split into seven subfolders:

  • artx - Gamecube C header files created by ARTX INC.
  • ati - Wii C header files created by ATI and BroadOn (forked from artx folder)
  • cp - Character Pipeline C Header files for 3d character models skinning and animation by Nintendo
  • diag - C Header files specifically for the DIAG Wii/Gamecube diagnostic disc
  • dolphin - Misc Gamecube header files such as for parsing JPEG images and the Audio interface
  • simplekit - Simple Kit library by Hiratsu Daisuke for rendering lines, rectangles, circles and text
  • uji - Not quite sure what the UJI library is but contains barcode, gamepad input and image headers

There are also three top level header files, two of which should have been included in the ATI folder instead (in Our Opinion) are described in the table below:

File Name Extension Description
ahb .h Include file for declaring PHYS_TO_PROTECTED and ACR_PROT_REGS_BASE macros by ATI
ahb_fdl_defs .h Include file for declaring tons of preprocessor defines that has been generated by ahb_fdl_defs.fdl
diaginfo .h Include file for declaring common pre-processor defines for the name and version information

Interesting information in the diaginfo.h file is that it mentions Bollywood which is a version of the Hollywood graphics chip, with added security (preventing the Trucha Exploit).

It also mentions the following information:

Date ID Version of DIAG Name
2006/07/20 RVL-064J 4.3.0 DIAG 4.3
2006/07/28 RVL-067J 4.4.0 DIAG 4.4
2006/08/02 RVL-100J 4.4.1 RVL_AGING 1.0
2006/08/20 RVL-121J 4.4.2 RVL_FINAL_CHECKER 1.0
2006/08/22 RVL-123J 4.4.3 RVL_BOARD_CHECKER 1.0
2008/06/03 RVL-011E 4.7.0 DIAG 4.7 (for Bollywood)
2008/06/30 RVL-012E 4.8.0 DIAG 4.8 (for Hollywood and Bollywood)
2008/09/03 RVL-013E 4.9.0 DIAG 4.9 (for Hollywood and Bollywood)

For more information on Bollywood check out this page: Bollywood - RGDWiki

Character Pipeline (CP) (/include/cp)


This folder contains the C Header files for the Character Pipeline SDK that was created for the Gamecube and presumably used for Wii titles too. This seems to be a more up to date version that the one previously leaked as this one has references to the year 2002.

The Character Pipeline SDK will be covered separately in its own post in the future, so the files won’t be described here.

Simplekit (/include/simplekit)


This folder contains the C Headers of the simplekit library for rendering simple shapes to the screen such as Lines, rectangles, circles and even text.

File Name Extension Description
simplekit .h Include file for declaring all of the helpful render functions such as SKITRenderText
Code Files


  • void SKITInit(void)
  • void SKITRenderPoint(int x,int y,int pixel,u32 clr)
  • void SKITRenderText(int x,int y,f32 scale,const char *msg)
  • void SKITRenderLine(s16 x1,s16 y1,s16 x2,s16 y2,u32 clr)
  • void SKITRenderRectangle(s16 x1,s16 y1,s16 x2,s16 y2,u32 clr)
  • void SKITRenderCircle(s16 x,s16 y,s16 r,s16 div,u32 clr)
  • void SKITRenderTime(int x,int y,f32 scale)
  • void SKITResetHandler(void)
  • void SKITWaitMilliSec(u32 msec)
  • void SKITWaitMicroSec(u32 usec)
  • void SKITWaitNanoSec(u32 nsec)

Uji (/include/uji)


This folder contains the C Header include files for the UJI utility library, but what is the UJI library for? Some header files call it the Dolphin DEMO library so it looks like a simple library of common functions used for small Gamecube demos.

This folder simply contains one top level include which is used to include all the files in the sub directory /utility.

File Name Extension Description
UJIUtility .h Include file for including all the other header files in the utility directory

Utility (/include/uji/utility)


This folder contains the actual source code for the entire uji library, these could easily have been put top level but maybe there was a plan to add additional folders of functionality to uji which never happened.

File Name Extension Description
BasicPad .h Include file for declaring 2 C structures BASIC_PAD_TYPE and JPad that hold button presses and stick X/Y position
BasicPuts .h Include file for declaring DsPuts and DsPrintf functions that draw text to the screen buffer
Crc .h Include file for declaring a function to compute the CRC 32 of a buffer ComputeCRC32
InitSystem .h Include file for declaring initialisation functions such as InitSystem along with render functions such as BeforeRender and DoneRender
Layer .h Include file for declaring a layer system where you can have multiple layers of images on screen, text layers etc
LayerInterface .h Include file for declaring the two main structures used for layers: _tagLayerManager and _tagLayer (ILayer)
Menu .h Include file for declaring Menu related structures such as MENU_ELEMENT_TYPE and MENU_TYPE along with functions menuOpen and ShowMenu
PortExi .h Include file for declaring what looks like connection via a Exi port, not sure what it is but it has functions portWrite and portRead
Thread .h Include file for declaring functions to start threads such as jStartGxThread and jStartPadThread
WriteLog .h Include file for declaring functions that allow writing to log fines in NAND
barcode .h Include file for declaring a few functions to draw a 2D barcode containing text messages such as BarcodePrint
chklog .h Include file for declaring functions for checking log messages in NAND such as CheckHwWriteLog
dpsram .h Include file for declaring Dual Ported SRam functions such as commSend and commReceive
sled .h Include file for declaring functions such as SledOn and SledFlashStart, not really sure what Sled is however, an LED interface would be a guess

The most interesting part of this codebase is the LayerSystem allowing easy drawing of Menus with Images and Text, very useful when creating gamecube/wii demos.

If we didn’t already have multiple homebrew examples showing off similar functionality this would be a great library to recommend for anyone wanting to create some simple 2D interfaces on the Gamecube!

Code Files


  • BOOL Down
  • BOOL Left
  • BOOL Right
  • BOOL A
  • BOOL B
  • BO L L
  • BOOL R
  • BOOL X
  • BOOL Y
  • BOOL Z
  • BOOL Start
  • BASIC_PAD_TYPE padGet(void)
  • BASIC_PAD_TYPE padWait(void)
  • BASIC_PAD_TYPE padGetRaw(void)
  • BASIC_PAD_TYPE padGetRawEx(u32 num)


  • OSFontHeader GetRomFontHeader(void)
  • const GXColor DefaultTextPalette[DEFAULT_TEXT_PALETTE_NUM]
  • void InitRomFont(void)
  • OSFontHeader GetRomFontHeader(void)
  • void DsSetROMFontSize(s16 size,s16 space)
  • void DsGetROMFontSize(s16 *size,s16 *space)
  • u32 DsSetFontColor(u32 color)
  • int DsPuts(s16 x,s16 y,s16 z,char *string)
  • int DsPrintf(s16 x,s16 y,s16 z,char *fmt,...)


  • u32 ComputeCRC32(u8 *buf,u32 length)


  • void InitSystem(GXRenderModeObj *mode)
  • BOOL InitLayerSystem(MEMAllocator *hHeap,ILayer layer)
  • MEMAllocator GetSysAllocator(void)
  • void InitAllocator(MemPack *userMem1,MemPack *userMem2)
  • void BeforeRender(void)
  • void DoneRender(void)
  • void SwapBuffers(void)
  • GXRenderModeObj GetRenderModeObj(void)
  • void GetCurrentBuffer(void)
  • void ReInit(GXRenderModeObj *mode)
  • void SwapRmodeBuffers(RMODE_SET mode)
  • OSThreadQueue jPostRetraceCallbackThreadQueue


  • LGradationColor DefaultBgGradPallete[]
  • ILayer LtCreateTextLayer(s32 x,s32 y,s32 chrElmsX,s32 chrElmsY,s32 bufferHeight)
  • void LtPrintf(ILayer layer,char *format,...)
  • void LtPrintfEx(ILayer layer,LPOINT cursor,char *format,...)
  • void LtPuts(ILayer layer,char *buffer)
  • void LtPutsEx(ILayer layer,LPOINT cursor,char *buffer)
  • u32 LtSetTextColor(ILayer layer,u32 color)
  • u32 LtGetTextColor(ILayer layer)
  • BOOL LtSetTextReverse(ILayer layer,BOOL reverse)
  • BOOL LtGetTextReverse(ILayer layer)
  • BOOL LtSetTextBlink(ILayer layer,BOOL blink)
  • BOOL LtGetTextBlink(ILayer layer)
  • s32 LtSetTextFontHeight(ILayer layer,s32 fontHeight)
  • s32 LtGetTextFontHeight(ILayer layer)
  • BOOL LtSetTextCursorVisible(ILayer layer,BOOL visible)
  • BOOL LtGetTextCursorVisible(ILayer layer)
  • LPOINT LtSetTextCursor(ILayer layer,LPOINT cursor)
  • LPOINT LtGetTextCursor(ILayer layer)
  • u32 LtInputDataEx(ILayer layer,u32 Initial)
  • u16 LtInputData16Ex(ILayer layer,u16 Initial)
  • u32 LtInputDecimalEx(ILayer layer,u32 Initial)
  • BOOL LtInputBoolEx(ILayer layer,BOOL Value)
  • u32 LtInputData(u32 Initial)
  • u16 LtInputData16(u16 Initial)
  • u32 LtInputDecimal(u32 Initial)
  • BOOL LtInputBool(BOOL Value)
  • BOOL LtShowMessage(const char *Message)
  • ILayer LiCreateImageLayer(s32 x,s32 y,u32 width,u32 height,char *fileName)
  • void LiAdjustImageSizeIntoOriginal(ILayer layer)
  • LRatio LiSetImageRatio(ILayer layer,LRatio ratio)
  • LRatio LiGetImageRatio(ILayer layer)
  • u32 LiSetImageId(ILayer layer,u32 id)
  • u32 LiGetImageId(ILayer layer)
  • void LmSetRootLayer(ILayer layer)
  • ILayer LmGetRootLayer(void)
  • void LmSetCurrentLayer(ILayer layer)
  • ILayer LmGetCurrentLayer(void)
  • ILayer LmCreateSubLayer(s32 x,s32 y,u32 w,u32 h)
  • ILayer LmCreateTextSubLayerEx(char *name,s32 x,s32 y,s32 chrElmsX,s32 chrElmsY,s32 bufferHeight)
  • ILayer LmCreateTextSubLayer(char *name,s32 x,s32 y,s32 chrElmsX,s32 chrElmsY)
  • ILayer LmCreateImageSubLayer(s32 x,s32 y,u32 width,u32 height,char *fileName)
  • BOOL LmDeleteLayer(ILayer layer)
  • BOOL LmDeleteSubLayer(ILayer layer)
  • BOOL LmDeleteSubLayerIndex(s32 index)
  • ILayer LmGetSubLayer(s32 index)
  • void LmIntoLayer(s32 index)
  • void LmBackLayer(void)


  • ILayerManager CreateLayerManager(void)
  • u32 GetTemplateLayerSize(void)
  • void GetTemplateLayer(void *layer)
  • ILayer CreateLayer(s32 x,s32 y,u32 width,u32 height)
  • void DrawLayer(ILayer layer)


  • void menuOpen(ILayer Layer,MENU_TYPE *MENU)
  • void ShowMenu(ILayer layer,const MENU_TYPE *Menu)


  • BOOL portProbe(void)
  • s32 portWrite(u32 address,u32 data)
  • s32 portRead(u32 address,u32 *data)
  • u32 portGetExiFreq(void)
  • void portSetExiFreq(u32 freq)


  • void jStartGxThread(OSPriority priority)
  • void jGxSuspendThread(void)
  • void jGxResumeThread(void)
  • void jStartPadThread(OSPriority priority)


  • s32 InspectionLog(char *test_name,char *test_result,char *test_Ver)
  • s32 WriteFreeLog(char *test_name,char *test_result,char *test_Ver)
  • s32 InspectionLogFunc(char *nand_dir_name,char *nand_file_name,char *test_name,char *test_result,char *test_Ver)
  • s32 WriteLogToNand(char *nand_dir_name,char *nand_file_name,void *write_buf)
  • s32 WriteAgingLog(char *test_name,char *test_result,char *test_Ver)
  • s32 WriteAgingInfo(char *aging_info)
  • s32 AgingLogFunc(char *nand_dir_name,char *nand_file_name,char *test_name,char *test_result,char *test_Ver)
  • s32 WriteFreeLogToNand(char *nand_dir_name,char *nand_file_name,void *write_buf)
  • s32 CheckOneProcess(char *nand_file_name,char *test_name)


  • void InitBarcode(MEMAllocator *pAllocator,ILayer *layer)
  • int GetBarcodeScan(char *strSerialNo,int timeout)
  • void BarcodePrint(char *format,...)
  • void BarcodePrintEx(LPOINT lp,char *format,...)
  • ILayer GetBarcodeILayer(void)


  • s32 CheckHwWriteLog(MEMHeapHandle heap)
  • s32 CheckProcessFunc(char *nand_file_name,u32 test_num,char test_name[][64],MEMHeapHandle heap)


  • void commSend(u32 ErrorCode,u32 *Data,int DataSize)
  • BOOL commCanReceive(void)
  • BOOL commReceive(u16 *InstructionCode,u32 *Data,int DataSize)


  • void SledTestStart(void)
  • void SledTestOk(void)
  • void SledTestNg(void)
  • void SledOn(void)
  • void SledOff(void)
  • void SledFlashStart(int flash_time)

Diag Test SDK Headers (/include/diag)


This folder contains C Header files that make up the Diag SDK to write tests that run in the DIAG4 tool.

It seems most of the files are mostly written by ArtX but others have japanese comments which suggests Nintendo has modified it.

File Name Extension Description
SItoUSB .h Include file for declaring functions that send data from the Serial Interface to USB
SIusbOSReport .h Include file for declaring functions that write an Operating System Report via the USB interface
diagcommon .h Include file for declaring common functions used in DIAG tests to get and set environment settings
diagerr .h Include file for declaring pre-processor constants such as DE_GECKO and DE_AES
diagsdk .h Include file for declaring functions that must be called by every test such as DIAGStart
sdio .h Include file for declaring structures and functions for interfacing with SD cards
sdm .h Include file for declaring higher level constants and functions for SD card file systems such as reading and writing a particular file
wkreport .h Include file for declaring functions to read and write data using Waikiki

The main question we have after looking into the files in this folder is what exactly is Waikiki, it looks like some sort of interface and has a function that allows it to be probed WKProbe.

Code Files


  • BOOL SIusbCheckDev(s32 chan)
  • BOOL SIusbReset(s32 chan,u32 *buf)
  • BOOL SIusbGetStatus(s32 chan,u32 *buf)
  • BOOL SIusbCheckFifo(s32 chan,u16 *buf)
  • BOOL SIusbTrans(s32 chan,u8 wr_size,void *wr_buf,u8 rd_size,void *rd_buf)
  • BOOL SIusbTransAsync(s32 chan,u8 wr_size,void *wr_buf,u8 rd_size,void *rd_buf,SIUSBcallback callback)


  • BOOL SIusbCheckAllReportFinish(void)
  • BOOL SIusbOSReportInit(void)
  • void SIusbOSReportOri(const char *msg,...)
  • void SIusbOSReport(const char *msg,...)


  • s32 DIAGGetEnv(Env *env)
  • void DIAGPutEnv(Env *env)
  • u32 DIAGGetSettingLoop(void)
  • u32 DIAGGetCurrentLoop(void)
  • s32 DIAGGetCfg(Cfg *cfg)
  • void DIAGPutCfg(Cfg *cfg)
  • void __OSLaunchMenu(void)
  • void __OSRelaunchTitle(void)
  • s32 NANDFinalize(void)


  • u32 DIAGStart(void)
  • void DIAGStop(u32 status)
  • BOOL DIAGGetLogDest(s32 *chan,u32 *dev)
  • s32 DIAGProbeBarnacle(s32 chan,u32 dev)
  • BOOL DIAGReadBarnacle(s32 chan,u32 dev,u32 command,u8 *result)
  • BOOL DIAGCheckIPL(void)
  • u32 DIAGGetHwRev(void)
  • void DIAGReportStart(void)
  • void DIAGReportStop(void)
  • BOOL DIAGReportStat(void)
  • void DIAGInitCRC(int argc,char **argv)
  • u32 DIAGComputeCRC(s32 *buf,u32 size)
  • s32 DIAGCheckCRC(s32 *buf,u32 size)
  • u32 DIAGGetCRCValue()
  • s32 DIAGGetCRCCount()


  • void sdi_init_intr(void(*irqCb)(void))
  • void sdi_init(void(*irqCb)(void))
  • sdi_slot_t sdi_handle(u32 ctrl,u32 slot)
  • void sdi_set_debug(u32 debug)
  • u32 sdi_rd_reg(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 offset)
  • void sdi_wr_reg(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 offset,u32 val)
  • void sdi_wr_reg16(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 offset,u32 val)
  • u32 sdi_verif_reg(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 offset,u32 expected)
  • void sdi_reg_intr(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 intr,void(*irq)(sdi_slot_t,void *),void *closure)
  • void sdi_intr(void)
  • u32 sdi_get_istat(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • void sdi_clear_istat(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 ibits)
  • u32 sdi_wait_istat(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 ibits,u32 bail_on_abort)
  • void sdi_wr_host_ctrl(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 in_data)
  • void sdi_int_regs_en(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • void sdi_wr_nor_int_sts_en(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 en)
  • void sdi_wr_err_int_sts_en(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 en)
  • void sdi_err_int_recover(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdi_cmd(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 sysaddr,u32 blkszcnt,u32 arg,u32 tmdcmd)
  • u32 sdi_io_cmd(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 sysaddr,u32 blkszcnt,u32 arg,u32 tmdcmd,u32 blk_size,u32 blk_cnt,u32 dma,u32 wr)
  • void sdi_read_io_coherency(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • void sdi_write_io_coherency(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdi_resp_type_cal(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 cmd_index,u32 resp_with_busy)
  • u32 sdi_mem_cmd(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 cmd_index,u32 arg,u32 resp_with_busy)
  • u32 sdi_mem_cmd_data(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 sysaddr,u32 cmd_index,u32 blk_size,u32 blk_cnt,u32 data_addr,u32 dma,u32 wr,u32 auto_cmd12,u32 resp_with_busy)
  • u32 sdi_cmd0(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdi_cmd2(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdi_cmd3(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdi_cmd7(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 rca)
  • u32 sdi_cmd9(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdi_cmd12(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdi_cmd13(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdi_cmd16(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 dflt_blk_size)
  • u32 sdi_cmd17(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 data_addr,u32 dma,u32 resp_with_busy)
  • u32 sdi_cmd18(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 blk_cnt,u32 data_addr,u32 dma,u32 auto_cmd12,u32 resp_with_busy)
  • u32 sdi_cmd23(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 blk_cnt)
  • u32 sdi_cmd24(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 data_addr,u32 dma,u32 resp_with_busy)
  • u32 sdi_cmd25(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 blk_cnt,u32 data_addr,u32 dma,u32 auto_cmd12,u32 resp_with_busy)
  • u32 sdi_cmd32(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 start_blk_addr)
  • u32 sdi_cmd33(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 end_blk_addr)
  • u32 sdi_cmd38(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 resp_with_busy)
  • u32 sdi_cmd52(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 reg_addr,u32 sd_wr_data,u32 fn_no,u32 raw,u32 wr,u32 resp_with_busy)
  • u32 sdioByteRead(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 fn_no,u32 reg_addr,u32 resp_with_busy)
  • u32 sdioByteWrite(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 fn_no,u32 reg_addr,u32 wr_data,u32 raw,u32 resp_with_busy)
  • u32 sdioExtRead(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 byte_blk_cnt,u32 fn_no,u32 blk_mode,u32 opcode,u32 reg_addr,u32 dma,u32 infinite,u32 resp_with_busy)
  • u32 sdioExtWrite(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 byte_blk_cnt,u32 fn_no,u32 blk_mode,u32 opcode,u32 reg_addr,u32 dma,u32 infinite,u32 resp_with_busy)
  • u32 sdi_cmd53(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 byte_blk_cnt,u32 wr,u32 fn_no,u32 blk_mode,u32 opcode,u32 reg_addr,u32 dma,u32 infinite,u32 resp_with_busy)
  • u32 sdi_cmd55(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdi_acmd6(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 buswidth)
  • u32 sdi_dma_done(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdi_abort(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdi_suspend(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdi_resume(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • void sdi_set_async_mode(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 mode)
  • void sdi_wr_clk_ctrl(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 clk_ctrl)
  • void sdi_wr_blk_gap_ctrl(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 bgap_ctrl)
  • void sdi_wr_timeout_reg(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 timeout_cnt)
  • void sdi_set_bus_width(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 buswidth)
  • void sdi_rd_sd_hc_capabilities(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdi_clock_supply(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 div)
  • void sdi_clock_stop(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • void sdi_clock_change(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 div)
  • void sdi_bus_power(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdi_validate_ocr(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 ocr_data,u32 mem,u32 mmc)
  • u32 sdi_card_insertion(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdi_io_card_init(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdi_mem_card_init(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • void sdi_mmc_card_init(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdiSwapBytes4(u32 value)
  • u32 checkErrorInt(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdiCardDetect(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdiCardInit(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 waitTransferComplete(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdiGoIdle(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • void sdiIoReset(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • void sdiSoftReset(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sendCmd(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 arg,u32 tmdcmd)
  • u32 sdiSendStatus(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdiSendOpCondition(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdiAllSendCid(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdiSendRca(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdiSendCsd(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdiSelectCard(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdiSetBlockLength(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 blksiz)
  • u32 sdiSetBusWidth(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 buswidth)
  • u32 sdiAsyncAbort(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdiSyncAbort(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • void updateDmaPointer(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdiReadSingleBlock(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 arg,u32 *rdbuf,u32 dma)
  • u32 sdiWriteSingleBlock(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 arg,u32 *wrbuf,u32 dma)
  • u32 sdiReadBlock(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 arg,u32 blkcnt,u32 dma,u32 dmaint,u32 auto_cmd12,u32 infinite)
  • u32 sdiWriteBlock(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 arg,u32 blkcnt,u32 dma,u32 dmaint,u32 auto_cmd12,u32 infinite)
  • u32 sdiReadMultipleBlock(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 arg,u32 blkcnt,u32 dma,u32 dmaint,u32 auto_cmd12)
  • u32 sdiWriteMultipleBlock(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 arg,u32 blkcnt,u32 dma,u32 dmaint,u32 auto_cmd12)
  • u32 sdiReadInfiniteBlock(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 arg,u32 blkcnt)
  • u32 sdiWriteInfiniteBlock(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 arg,u32 blkcnt)
  • void sdi_init_ird(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 ctrl,u32 slot,void(*irqCb)(void))
  • void sdi_clear_hcstruct(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • void sdio_initUSBSDIPLLs()
  • void sdio_DisableGpio(void)
  • void sdio_EnableIOPJtag(void)
  • void sdio_acr_iostrctrl1(u8 val)
  • u32 sdio_SelectCard(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 rca)
  • u32 sdio_setHSpd(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdio_setHSpd2(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdio_setNmlSpd(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdio_getscr(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdio_cidcheck(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdio_csdcheck(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdio_scrcheck(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdio_check_cins(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdio_check_crmv(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • void sdio_udelay(u32 delay)
  • void sdio_hc_swrst(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 type)
  • u32 sdio_wait_programend(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdio_DeSelectCard(sdi_slot_t sp)
  • u32 sdio_rwsdioreg(sdi_slot_t sp,u32 wr,u32 fn_no,u32 blk_size,u32 blk_mode,u32 opcode,u32 reg_addr,u32 blk_cnt,u32 sysaddr,u32 dma)
  • u32 checkStatus(sdi_slot_t sp)


  • struct partitiontable_s __attribute__((packed))
  • struct partitionboot_s __attribute__((packed))
  • s32 SDMInit(BOOL,int)
  • s32 SDMOpen(struct direntry *de,char *filename)
  • s32 SDMOpenDirFile(struct direntry *de,char *name)
  • s32 SDMRead(struct direntry *de,s32 id,u8 *data)
  • s32 SDMFindFirst(struct direntry *de)
  • s32 SDMFindNext(struct direntry *de)
  • s32 SDMDirFileFind(struct direntry *de,char *name)
  • void SDMSetAccessMode(BOOL in)
  • void SDMFinish()
  • void SDMAlloc(u32 size)
  • void SDMFree(void *in)


  • BOOL WKProbe(s32 chan)
  • BOOL WKCheckBuf(s32 chan,u16 *send,u16 *recv)
  • BOOL WKFlushBuf(s32 chan)
  • s32 WKRead(s32 chan,void *buf,u32 len)
  • s32 WKWrite(s32 chan,void *buf,u32 len)

Dolphin (/include/dolphin)


This folder contains a subset of files from the Dolphin OS.

File Name Extension Description
ais .h Include file for declaring the Audio Interface constants and functions
ar .h Include file for declaring functions and constants that access memory from ARAM
arq .h Include file for declaring functions and structures for a ARAM based Queue implementation
doldefs .h Include file for declaring a few preprocessor macros such as DOLPHIN_LIB_VERSION
dtk .h Include file for declaring functions and structures for a DVD Audio Track Player such as DTKQueueTrack
hio .h Include file for declaring Windows API functions called the Host Interface that can read and write data including something called a Mailbox
jpeg .h Include file for declaring functions to convert JPEG images to Textures such as JPEGDecompressToTexRGBA8

The most interesting file in this directory is hio.h which acts as a host interface sending and receiving data from the Gamecube/Wii to a windows PC. It also has the concept of a Mailbox, but it is uncertain how it works without finding the implementation files.

Code Files


  • AISCallback AIRegisterStreamCallback(AISCallback callback)
  • u32 AIGetStreamSampleCount(void)
  • void AIResetStreamSampleCount(void)
  • void AISetStreamTrigger(u32 trigger)
  • u32 AIGetStreamTrigger(void)
  • void AISetStreamPlayState(u32 state)
  • u32 AIGetStreamPlayState(void)
  • void AISetStreamSampleRate(u32 rate)
  • u32 AIGetStreamSampleRate(void)
  • void AISetStreamVolLeft(u8 vol)
  • void AISetStreamVolRight(u8 vol)
  • u8 AIGetStreamVolLeft(void)
  • u8 AIGetStreamVolRight(void)


  • ARCallback ARRegisterDMACallback(ARCallback callback)
  • u32 ARGetDMAStatus(void)
  • void ARStartDMA(u32 type,u32 mainmem_addr,u32 aram_addr,u32 length)
  • u32 ARInit(u32 *stack_index_addr,u32 num_entries)
  • u32 ARGetBaseAddress(void)
  • BOOL ARCheckInit(void)
  • void ARReset(void)
  • u32 ARAlloc(u32 length)
  • u32 ARFree(u32 *length)
  • u32 ARGetSize(void)
  • u32 ARGetInternalSize(void)
  • void ARSetSize(void)
  • void ARClear(u32 flag)
  • void __ARClearInterrupt(void)
  • u16 __ARGetInterruptStatus(void)


  • void ARQInit(void)
  • void ARQReset(void)
  • void ARQPostRequest(ARQRequest *task,u32 owner,u32 type,u32 priority,u32 source,u32 dest,u32 length,ARQCallback callback)
  • void ARQRemoveRequest(ARQRequest *task)
  • void ARQRemoveOwnerRequest(u32 owner)
  • void ARQFlushQueue(void)
  • void ARQSetChunkSize(u32 size)
  • u32 ARQGetChunkSize(void)
  • BOOL ARQCheckInit(void)


  • void DTKInit(void)
  • void DTKShutdown(void)
  • u32 DTKQueueTrack(char *fileName,DTKTrack *track,u32 eventMask,DTKCallback callback)
  • u32 DTKRemoveTrack(DTKTrack *track)
  • BOOL DTKFlushTracks(DTKFlushCallback callback)
  • void DTKSetSampleRate(u32 samplerate)
  • u32 DTKGetSampleRate(void)
  • void DTKSetInterruptFrequency(u32 samples)
  • u32 DTKGetInterruptFrequency(void)
  • void DTKSetRepeatMode(u32 repeat)
  • u32 DTKGetRepeatMode(void)
  • BOOL DTKSetState(u32 state)
  • u32 DTKGetState(void)
  • BOOL DTKNextTrack(void)
  • BOOL DTKPrevTrack(void)
  • u32 DTKGetPosition(void)
  • DTKTrack DTKGetCurrentTrack(void)
  • void DTKSetVolume(u8 left,u8 right)
  • u16 DTKGetVolume(void)


  • BOOL WINAPI HIOEnumDevices(HIOEnumCallback callback)
  • BOOL WINAPI HIOInit(s32 chan,HIOCallback callback)
  • BOOL WINAPI HIOInitEx(s32 chan,u32 dev,HIOCallback callback)
  • BOOL WINAPI HIOReadMailbox(u32 *word)
  • BOOL WINAPI HIOWriteMailbox(u32 word)
  • BOOL WINAPI HIORead(u32 addr,void *buffer,s32 size)
  • BOOL WINAPI HIOWrite(u32 addr,const void *buffer,s32 size)
  • BOOL WINAPI HIOReadAsync(u32 addr,void *buffer,s32 size,HIOCallback callback)
  • BOOL WINAPI HIOWriteAsync(u32 addr,const void *buffer,s32 size,HIOCallback callback)
  • BOOL WINAPI HIOReadStatus(u32 *status)
  • BOOL WINAPI HIOInit2(s32 chan,HIOCallback callback,HIONotify notify,void *param)
  • BOOL WINAPI HIOInitEx2(s32 chan,s32 dev,HIOCallback callback,HIONotify notify,void *param)
  • void WINAPI HIOExit()


  • BOOL JPEGGetFileInfo(u8 *jpegData,JPEGFileInfo *info)
  • u32 JPEGCalcMemory(JPEGFileInfo *info)
  • BOOL JPEGOpenDecompressor(JPEGDecompressor *decomp,u8 *errorCode,u8 *workSpace,u8 *jpegData,JPEGFileInfo *info)
  • void JPEGDecompressRawImage(JPEGDecompressor *decomp,void *dataY,void *dataCb,void *dataCr)
  • void JPEGDecompressToXfb(JPEGDecompressor *decomp,void *xfbData,u32 xfbWidth,u32 xfbHeight)
  • void JPEGDecompressToTexYCbCr(JPEGDecompressor *decomp,void *texY,void *texCb,void *texCr)
  • void JPEGDecompressToTexRGBA8(JPEGDecompressor *decomp,void *texData,u8 alpha)
  • BOOL JPEGGetNextRGBA8Tile(JPEGDecompressor *decomp,void *texData,u8 alpha,BOOL init)

Artx (/include/artx)


This folder contains Gamecube header files provided by the Company ArtX, the company later changed its name to ATI during the development of the wii.

This folder is provided for use in the Gamecube DIAG tests and there is an updated version of this folder with Wii support in the ati folder.

Since most of the files in this folder have a more up to date version in the ati folder, they will not be documented here as it would be very repetitive. So check out the section on the ATI folder below instead.

For more information you can take a diff of the two folders if you are especially interested in the differences but overall it is not of much interest to most users.

ATI Low Level SDK (/include/ati)


This folder contains the C header files that provide low level acess to the wii hardware. This library was originally written for the gamecube and then updated for the Wii, it was created by ATI (formally ArtX).

This library was not provided to third party developers in the official SDK and so was only used for internal tools and software such as the Wii Operating system known as IOS.

This section was rather big so we have moved it out into its own post instead, you can view our post documenting this SDK here:

ATI Low Level Wii SDK

For more information about the ATI Low level SDK for Wii check out this post.

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