PS2 Official Software Development Kit (SDK)

Edit on Github | Updated: 13th July 2024

PS2 Official Software development Kit by Sony

Last known version: 3.1.0 1

First known version: 0.3.0 2

Updates were provided to licenced playstation developers on, where the update contained just the files that have changed and could be dropped in place to overwrite the previous versions.

SDK Versions

SDK Version Publicly Leaked? Notes  
0.3.0 No    
0.4.0 No    
0.5.0 No    
1.0 No Sep 1999  
1.1 No    
1.2 No    
1.3 No    
1.3.1 No    
1.4 No    
1.4.1 No Feb 2000  
1.4.2 No    
1.4.3 No    
1.5 No Apr 2000  
1.5.1 No    
1.5.3 No    
1.5.7 No    
1.6.0 No Star Wars Super Bomad Racing Demo  
1.6.0a No    
1.6.3 No SSX (PAL) Jun 2000  
1.6.4 No    
1.6.5 No Midnight Club (PAL)  
1.6.6 No    
2.0.0 No Timesplitters Aug 2000  
2.0.3 No New library called "libhig" (High Level Graphics)  
2.0.2 No This is Football 2002  
2.0.5 No    
2.0.6 No Nov 2000  
2.1.0 No Gauntlet Dark Legacy Demo  
2.1.1 No Dark Cloud Demo  
2.1.3 No Resident Evil Code Veronica X  
2.1.4 No Crazy Taxi  
2.2.0 No Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future Demo  
2.2.1 No Jak and Daxter  
2.2.2 No Shadow Hearts  
2.2.4 No ICO (PAL)  
2.3.0 No Grand Theft Auto III Jun 2001  
2.3.2 No AirBlade Demo  
2.3.4 No Shaun Palmers Pro Snowboarding Demo  
2.4.0 No Crash Bandicoot The Wrath of Cortex Demo  
2.4.1 No Parappa the Rapper 2 Demo  
2.4.2 No Xenosaga Episode I Der Wille zur Macht  
2.4.3 No 007 Nightfire  
2.5.0 No Mx Superfly Demo  
2.5.2 No VRally 3  
2.5.4 No The Mark of Kri  
2.5.5 No Virtual Fighter 4 Evolution (Korean version)  
2.7.0 Docs leaked March 2003  
2.7.1 No Jak II Neon Genesis Evangelion 2 (NTCS-J) MCMAN.IRX has PsIImcman 2710
2.7.2 No    
2.8.0 No Fatal Frame 2  
2.8.1 No Bloody Roar MCMAN.IRX has PSIImcman 2810  
3.0.0 (publicly leaked with 2.7 Docs; maybe incomplete) Resident Evil 4 Nov 2003  
3.0.1 No 24 The Game Mar 2004  
3.0.2 publicly leaked maybe incomplete Shadow of the Colossus (PAL) Jul 2004  
3.0.3 publicly leaked complete Jun 2005  
3.0.4 No King of Fighters XI (NTSC-J) NTGUI.IRX has PsIIntgui2 3040  
3.1.0 No    

How to check version of SDK in use

You are really just looking for a string of the form “PSII* 2720” where the * denotes text that can change based on which library you search.

You can search for Games that match a specific SDK version by running the following bash command:

find . -name "MCMAN.IRX" -print0 | xargs -0 strings | grep -Hn "   272"

Replace 2720 with the version number you want, e.g 272 is 2.7.2

Running PS2 Official SDK under 64-bit ubuntu Linux

By default the 64-bit version of ubuntu does come with the 32bit libraries that the SDK binaries have been linked to. So when you try to run any of the binaries it gives an error such as:

iop-gcc: command not found

In order to fix this you need to run the following commands:

sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install lib32z1

SDK Contents

Emotion Engine (EE) Toolchain

The Emotion Engine Toolchain was developed by Cygnus based on GNUPro and has support for running the toolchain on windows, linux and Solaris.

Tool Description
ee-gcc C compiler modified from GNU GCC
ee-g++ C++ GNU compiler
ee-as GNU Assembler
dvp-elf-as GNU Assembler for DVP (Vector unit Assembler?)
ee-ld GNU Linker (Link object files together to create libraries)
ee-gbd Standard GNU Debugger
ee-run Simulator
sky.ld Script that calls the Linker?
ee-addr2line Get filenames and lines numbers from program addresses
ee-ar GNU Archive handler
ee-c++filt Demangle C++ symbols
ee-nm print the list of symbols contained in an object file
ee-objcopy Copy object files
ee-objdump Standard GNU object dumper to display information about an object
ee-ranlib List the index of an archive
ee-size Display the size of sections in a file
ee-strings Standard SNU strings utility to get strings from binary files
ee-strip Strip an executable to remove debugging symbols


One important point is that generating debug symbols doesn’t ever modify the code generation but there are some optimisation flags that can make debugging more difficult.

Emotion Engine Simulator

The simulator was released before developers got access to the hardware 3, it is basically an emulator which virtualizes the hardware of the emotion engine on a standard pc. This emulator was not cycle-accurate so was not guaranteed to produce the same result as running on the physical hardware.

EENet Library

EyeToy® Vision Library

HTTPS Library

IOP Toolchain

Libcheck Library

Poweroff Processing Libraries

Runtime Libraries 3.0.3

Runtime Library Docs

Sample Code

Sample Data

SIF DMA Package

USB PSP™ Communications Library

Demo Disc SDK

Shell System Package

SDK Software

HDD Checker

MultiStream Package

Network Analysis Suite

Performance Analysis Package

QA Tool

Sulpha Sound Utility






Legend of terms

Name Meaning
DECI2 Protocol for PC to communicate with PS2 TOOL
DMA Direct Memory Access?
DNAS Online library for..
DSNet Suite of tools for debugging using a PS2 TOOL
DVP D* Vector Processor?
GIF Graphics Interface
GS Graphics Synthesiser
IOP Input/Output Processor
SIF Serial Interface
SPR Scratch Pad RAM
SPU Sound Processing Unit
TRC Technical Requirements Checklist
VIF0 Vector Unit 0 Interface
VIF1 Vector Unit 1 Interface
VU0 Vector Unit 0
VU1 Vector Unit 1



