Oman Archive - N64 Leak by SGI employee

Edit on Github | Updated: 8th May 2020

The “Oman Archive” was a leak of Nintendo Technical documents from a source inside SGI in late 1999. It was uploaded to the internet under the name oman.rar but has since been repackaged into multiple other archive formats.

An updated version of the Oman Archive was released in 2020 at the same time as the Gigaleak, another Nintendo Leak which includes N64 content.

Gigaleak - SNES Source Code Leak

For more information on the original Gigaleak check out this post.

History of the Oman Archive

Even the origin of the name itself is clouded in mystery with some saying it was leaked by a person called Oman and others disagreeing, but very little information is known about the leak.

It is believed that the archive kickstarted the N64 Emulation development scene and that without it we wouldn’t have made much of the early progress in figuring out how the hardware worked 1.

However the problem with the Oman archive is that the contents were obtained illegally and thus any development based on the stolen content would be liable for copyright infringement.

Thus many talented N64 emulator authors refuse to use the material and instead reverse engineer the inner working of the system themselves. This prevents the code (and the resulting binary) from any patent/copyright/trademark violations, but requires a lot of time and patience. So we are thankful for all these dedicated developers, helping maintain the codebase in a way that prevents distribution of N64 emulators from becoming illegal 2.

If you plan to do any N64 development then stay as far away from the Oman Archive as you can, including leaving this page…

However historically these documents are very interesting and preservation of the material is vital. So even if the originally material disappears from the internet forever (unlikely but not impossible) lets at least clear up a few misconceptions by asking: What exactly IS in the Oman archive?

Top Level files

Like most leaks there are a bunch of misc files at the root of the archive that are not always particularly relevant. This section will try to categorised them as best we can.

SN64 SDK Files

These documents are all from February 1997 and really should have been in a folder called N64Win95 or Sn64 as they all come from the same product, maybe it was a copy error by the original author of the leak.

They are from a development kit by SN Systems known as SN64 and this was the Windows 95 version of the SDK. SN64 is just the brand name of the Nintendo 64 versions of SN Systems PSYQ development kit that also supported Playstation and Saturn consoles.

This made it a really popular choice for 3rd party game developers as it was slightly easier to port code between the consoles using the SDK.

SN64 - Nintendo 64 Software Development Kit (SDK)

If you are wondering what these files do check out our page on the SN64 SDK.

All of the files in the root directory up to and including N64NOTES.TXT (9th March 1997) are from this SN64 SDK. The other top level files are listed separately below.

tmp file

Although the file simple called tmp looks like a linux directory it is in fact an ASCII Text file that is the output of running a directory command on their E:\oman\DOC folder.


A C-source file that must have been misplaced, not sure exactly where it came from but it was created by SGI in 1994. The same file exists in TOOLS\EMULATE\AUD.C so it must have been copied by accident to the top level directory.

This contains a subset of the files from the /DOC folder and they are all identical in contents to those files too. This zip can be ignored and you can go straight to the /DOC folder.


This TAR archive contains the N64 SDK version 2.0G (for RCP 2.0) for use on an IRIX Unix machine, to install just copy the 2 folders (var and usr) to the root of your SGI IRIX.

Also note that these files also exist extracted in the root directory of the main tar file.

usr folder

The files in this tar are part of the standard N64 SDK so will not be covered here as they have been covered multiple times elsewhere.

tmp folder

The tmp folder is blank and contains no data, it should not have been included in the archive.

var/inst folder

IRIX machines comes with a command called inst used for installing software distributed by SGI 3.

The program saves the details of everything that has been installed in the /var/inst folder, and so the SDK comes with a few files used by the inst program when listing what is installed:

Name Description
rsp_dev Install record for Nintendo 64 RSP Development Environment 2.0G
ultra Install record for Ultra 64 Development Environment, 2.0G
rsp_audio Install record for Nintendo 64 RSP Audio Microcode Source Code 2.0G
gng_noship Install record for Ultra 64 Noship Go/No-go Test Software 2.0G
rsp_gfx Install record for Nintendo 64 RSP Graphics Microcode Source Code 2.0G
hist History file for IRIX inst command
.rqsfiles standard file on all IRIX machines that have inst command
orphan standard file on all IRIX machines that have inst command
.machine_inventory Holds metadata about the current machine
INSTLOG Log file from the last time the inst command ran

var/sysgen/master.d folder

The folder var/sysgen/master.d on an IRIX system is used by the lboot command to define the master files for the bootable kernel. In this case it just contains one file called u64 for the N64 hardware.

Master files are basically configuration for all the modules on an IRIX system and can be viewed using the master command 4.

AS Folder (Algorithm Simulator)

The folder called AS is at the top level and contains a brief README saying that this folder contains a C program that begins to model the algorithms and functionality of the MSP and MDP (presumably the RSP and RDP).

The Algorithm Simulator was used before the N64 hardware prototype was available to develop on and allowed developers to get a head start on their games.

The folder contains:

  • *.c C source code
  • *.h C header files
  • *.o compiled version of the *.c files
  • *.RGB - Textures
  • *.I - 3D object files

COSIM Folder (Co-Simulation)

The Cosim folder contains C and Assembly source code used to test the hardware including testing the early Verilog model for “Project Reality”.

Co-Simulation is using software to verify and test simulated hardware, in this case it is testing the N64 development hardware with a few basic software tests 5.

DOC Folder (Documentation)

This is the main folder of goodies, whenever someone talks about the value of the Oman Archive this is the documentation they are talking about.

The folder contains many different file formats, some are plain text (.TXT), others are Postscript (.PS) and more are File Maker files (*.FM & *.DOC). So there was clearly no standard when it came to documentation.

Note that all the documentation located under this folder is part of what SGI called their HeadStart development environment, which was documentation for starting development before the actual hardware was finalised for the console.

Top Level Documentation

The files located at the root of the DOCS folder tend to be in 3 different formats, .DOC, .FM and .TXT.

Note that the .DOC files start with the ASCII string <MakerFile 4.0K> and are not MS Word documents. Also the .FM files start with the ASCII string <MakerFile 3.0F>.

They were both created with an early version of Adobe FrameMaker but don’t seem to be usable in the latest versions of the tool. They also can’t be converted with Adobe createPDF service either so the only current way to get partial content is to run strings on it but it is hardly readable.

There was a FM2HTML tool developed according to but all download links seem to have been Brough offline 6.

For anyone trying to reverse engineer the old FrameMaker format, they is a Postscript version of AUDUCODE.FM which could help understand what the bytes in the format represent.

Hopefully someone will be able to convert them to a PS, PDF or HTML file someday for us all to enjoy.

Name Description
ABI.DOC Audio Binary Interface MakerFile Documentation
ANIMATION_ENGINE.FM Brief overview of 3D Animation of Models
AS.FM Graphics Algorithm Simulator
AUDBI.FM Audio Binary Interface 1.0 command reference (e.g for A_CLEARBUFF)
AUDUCODE.FM RSP Audio Microcode Architecture
AUDUCODE.PS Same as AUDUCODE.FM but in Postscript format
BLEND_MODES.TXT Very detailed description of the Blend Modes by Phil Gossett
CHAR_PLAN.DOC Device Characterization checklist
CHIP_DESIGN_DIRS.FM Description of the Verilog folders
DEBUGGER.TXT Notes on how to use the CaseVision Debugger
DIAGNOSTIC_PROPOSAL.FM Proposal to create a Diagnostic System for the Nintendo 64 Hardware and Software
DIAGS.DOC Diagnostic program documentation for the Ultra 64 development board
DMA_PERFORMANCE DMA Performance Analysis
EMULATOR.TXT Status of the Graphics Binary Interface Emulator for SGI workstations
ENDIAN.TXT Brief notes on Big Endian bit ordering
FILTER_BUILDLOG Bash script to filter the log files in the directory
FIXEDPT.FM Notes on Fixed Point Numbers
FRAMEREC.TXT Notes on a way to record gameplay frame by frame on an SGI ONYX
GFX_TEST.TXT Notes on the tests located in the PR/apps/rsp* folder for testing the RSP
GFXBI.FM RCP Graphics Binary Interface Documentation
GONOGO.FM Ultra 64 Go/No Go Test Plan
GRUCODE.FM RSP Graphics Microcode Architecture
GRUCODE.OLD.FM Old version of RSP Graphics Microcode Architecture
HUFFMAN.FM Huffman Decoding for MPEG
IO.FM Interaction between I/O components
IOSIM.FM iosim I/O simulator command documentation
LIGHT-MATERIAL.FM Lighting and Materials
LIGHTFOG.TXT Documentation for Lighting, fog, and reflection mapping
LOGICAL_RDP.FM Rendering Pipeline
MAKEFILE Top level makefile that just calls the “RSP” folders makefile
MEM_MGMT.FM Memory Management such as Virtual Addresses and Segments
MEMORY_MAP Simple Text memory map of each of the components of the N64 (RCP, RDRAM etc)
MMAKE Fork of the SGI mmake bash script
MNIGHTLY Bash script for nightly builds using mmake
MPEG_STATUS.FM Status of MPEG integration into the SDK
MPEG_TALK.FM How MPEG Works presentation
MPEG_TALK.PS How MPEG Works presentation (Postscript)
MVT.FM Multi-View Textures (Level of Detail optimisation)
NIGHTLY.SH Bash script to run nightly regression testing
PERFORMANCE.DOC RSP Geometry Transformation Performance
PERSPNORM.FM Perspective Normalization
PROBLEMS Ultra64 Problems and Tips (with workarounds)
RCP_ELEC_SPEC.FM Electrical specification for RCP
RDB.DOC RDB Port connecting Indy & the development board
RDP_COMMANDS.FM Documentation for each of the Reality Display Processor commands
RDP_FUNC_IO_TABLES.PS I/O tables for the Reality Display Processor
RDPPROG.FM RDP Programmers Guide
RDRAM_INITIALIZATION Brief notes on the initialization sequence of the RDRAM (Rambus)
README Description of the HeadStart development environment
README.6.2 Notes on one developers attempts to get it running on a 6.2 Indy
README.NIGHTLY Instructions for setting up a nightly build of regression tests
RELEASE2.FM Readme for Ultra 64 Developers Release 2.0
RI_PROGRAMMING_GUIDE RI/RDRAM register read/write operations
RSP_GFX_SW.FM RSP Fast3D Graphics Software Architecture
RSP_VERIF_ENV Notes about the RSP verification environment
RSPVERIF.DOC RSP Design Verification Strategy
SPRITELIB.FM Sprite Library Documentation
SPRITES.VGS Introduction to Video Game Sprites
SRCTREE.FM Introduction to the Src folder
SWARCH.FM Software Architecture
SWARCH.PS Postscript version of SWARCH.FM
SWBRINGUP.DOC Operational Software Bringup Sequence - nothing much in this document
SYSDATAFLOW.FM System Data Flow for both hardware and software
TESTVECTOR.TXT Test vector development environment for the RCP
TEX_FIGS.FM Texture Image Coordinate Space
TEXTURE_OUTLINE.DOC Good overview of texturing on N64
TREEBUILD.DOC Document that outlines how to use the SGI pbuild development environment to build the source tree
TREESETUP.SH Small bash script for running the inst command to setup the dev environment
TUTORIAL.FM Tutorial for making a N64 game
ULTRADBG.FM FrameMaker version of ULTRADBG.TXT
ULTRADBG.TXT Very interesting document on how to debug N64 code
VIDEO_MODES.TXT Described the different video modes for both NTSC and PAL
YIELD.TXT Notes on What Yield is (e.g osSpTaskYield)

One of the most interesting documents in this list that can be easily read is SWARCH.PS as it contains plenty of interesting information about how the software architecture works.

HW - Hardware Documentation

Name Description
HW/4300_PIN_LIST Comparison between the VR4300i and Nintendo R4300i Pins, most are the same but some are off by one such as EValidB
HW/BL.FM Hardware Blender description
HW/CC.FM Color Combiner hardware
HW/PI_BLOCK.TXT PI Datapath Block Diagram
HW/PIN_LIST List of all the pins on the RCP
HW/SI_SPEC.TXT Serial Interface specification
HW/TOOLTIPS Tips for using the tools Verilog and Compass
HW/VERILOG_HEADER_TEST Source code header - not interesting
HW/WIREDELAYS Email rising wire resistance and capacitance


Hardware verification documentation files are located in this folder.

Name Description
VERIF/BL hardware Blender test cases
VERIF/CC Color combiner test cases
VERIF/CS Command Shuffle Unit Test Plan
VERIF/CV Check Vectors
VERIF/EW Edge Walker Unit Test Plan
VERIF/IO I/O Subsystem Verification Plan
VERIF/MS Misc Info (it is blank)
VERIF/RDPOVERALL High level RDP Test cases
VERIF/TC Texture Compression Tests
VERIF/TM Texture Memory test cases


These are pictures in SGI RGB format but it is currently unclear where they are used. If you want to view them just add the .SGI extension to the end of them and you can open them in most image editors.

Name Description
PICS/BALL.1 Unknown image format starts with Magic number: 59 A6 6A 95
PICS/BALL.2 Not an SGI image
PICS/BALL.3 Not an SGI image
PICS/INTL.RGB Has the TDK logo in it, very blurry greyscale
PICS/LOGO_SGI.SMALL Small SGI logo (205x196)
PICS/TEN1.MB Square with white pixels in bottom left and dark grey everywhere else
PICS/TEN1.BLK Small white Square with grey pixels in the top right corner
PICS/TENNIS1.CIF Greyscale image of man holding ping pong racket and bouncing ball on it
PICS/PIC8.SGI lots of squares with different patterns in them

## AUDIO Not sure why a new directory was created for one file but this folder does exactly what it says on the tin, has Audio documentation in it. Which is only one file which contains the Audio API functions.

The file is:

  • AUDIO/AUDIOLIBREF.DOC - Audio Library Reference


The documents this folder are intended to be released to developers when they obtain the SDK.

Pretty much all of this is already available on the web such as on N64 Programming Manual.

As such we have just listed the chapter that each document corresponds to int he table below.

Name Description
DEV/BARKLEY.PS Seems to be incomplete guide to setting up Development hardware
DEV/DK32.PS Image of Donkey Kong as a RGBA32 texture
DEV/DK32SF.PS Upside down image of Diddy kong
DEV/IO.DOC Chapter 8
DEV/MAKEFILE makefile to create Postscript versions of the FrameMaker files
DEV/PARTAUDIOTAB.DOC PART files are just collections of chapters
DEV/PARTDEVTOOLSTAB.DOC PART files are just collections of chapters
DEV/PARTGETSTARTEDTAB.DOC PART files are just collections of chapters
DEV/PARTGRAPHICSTAB.DOC PART files are just collections of chapters
DEV/PARTINDEXTAB.DOC PART files are just collections of chapters
DEV/PARTOSTAB.DOC PART files are just collections of chapters
DEV/PARTOVERVIEWTAB.DOC PART files are just collections of chapters
DEV/PARTPERFORMANCETAB.DOC PART files are just collections of chapters
DEV/PRDEV.BOOK Entire Book file references all the other docs
DEV/PRDEVLOF.DOC List of Figures
DEV/PRDEVTOC.DOC Table of Contents
DEV/SOFTWAREBRINGUP.DOC Programming Manual Chapter 2
DEV/SPRITEUCODE.DOC Programming Manual Chapter 18
DEV/STYLE_STRUCTURE.TXT Style guide for the documentation
DEV/TEMPLATE.DOC Template used for creating new documentation pages
DEV/WALKAPP.DOC Unreleased documentation about a Haunted house demo

The file DEV/WALKAPP.DOC seems to have never been released to developers as part of the SDK as it describes a N64 demo where a user walks around a haunted house.


This folder just contains the scripts to convert the FrameMaker files into PostScript files.

Name Description
DEV/SCRIPTS/UPDATE.SCRIPT fmbatch script to update the documentation
DEV/SCRIPTS/PS.SCRIPT fmbatch script to convert to Postscript


This folder contains all the documentation about programming the Reality Signal Processor.

Name Description
RSP/ADVANCED.DOC Advanced topics, such as DMEM usage, RSP performance, code overlays, and the CPU-RSP relationship.
RSP/APPENDIXA.DOC Formally describes the behavior of each instruction
RSP/COP0.DOC Chapter 4 RSP Coprocessor 0
RSP/MAKEFILE Used to make the postscript versions using fmbatch
RSP/OVERVIEW.DOC Overview of the documentation chapters
RSP/RSPARCH.DOC RSP MIPS Instruction Set Architecture
RSP/RSPASM.DOC RSP MIPS Assembly Directives
RSP/RSPPROGGUIDE.BOOK Book file that references each doc file
RSP/RSPPROGGUIDEIX.DOC Index of the Documentation
RSP/RSPREFCARD.FM Reality Signal Processor Programmer’s Reference Card
RSP/TITLEPAGE.DOC Title Page of Documentation
RSP/VUINST.DOC Vector Unit Instructions


This folder contains the printable postscript versions of the RSP Programming Guide and the Reference card documentation.

The reference card is a sort of “Cheat Sheet” for programming on the RSP.

Name Description
RSP/PS/AA.ZIP Zip archive of the two postscript files in this folder
RSP/PS/RSPPROGGUIDE.PS Postscript version of the RSP Programmers Guide
RSP/PS/RSPREFCARD.PS Postscript version of the reference card


This folder contains scripts to convert the Adobe FrameMaker documentation into printable PostScript files.

Name Description
RSP/SCRIPTS/UPDATE.SCRIPT fmbatch script to update the doc files
RSP/SCRIPTS/REFCARD.SCRIPT fmbatchto print the Reference card to Postscript
RSP/SCRIPTS/PS.SCRIPT fmbatch to print to Postscript


This folder contains pseudo-assembly examples for the Media Signal Processor (MSP) which is basically the RSP.

Name Description
MSP_EXAMPLE/MSP_TRANSFORM.TXT Transform example code
MSP_EXAMPLE/README Describes the purpose of the folder
MSP_EXAMPLE/MSP_LIGHT.TXT Example of lighting calculations
MSP_EXAMPLE/MSP_SETUP.TXT Example of triangle setup

4300 - The N64 CPU

This folder contains all the RISC Processor Specification for the N64 CPU (NEC VR4300).

Name Description
4300/ADDENDUM.DOC Additional details about the CPU
4300/BLOCKWRITE.MIF Converted version of BLOCKWRITE.SUP using supTomif
4300/BOOK FrameMaker Book file that references all the Docs
4300/BOOKLOF.DOC List of Figures
4300/BOOKLOT.DOC List of Tables
4300/BOOKTOC.DOC Table of contents
4300/CACHE.DOC Chapter 5 Data and Instruction Cache
4300/CLOCKS.DOC CPU Clocks documentation (on-chip Phase Locked Loop circuit)
4300/CP0.DOC System Control Coprocessor (CP0)
4300/CP0.DOC.RECOVER Old version of CP0.DOC
4300/DELAYEDREAD.MIF Converted version of DELAYEDREAD.SUP using
4300/DELAYEDREAD.SUP Delayed processor read request figure
4300/DIFF.DOC Differences from the R4000
4300/ELECTRICAL.DOC Electrical information such as Voltages
4300/EXCP_HAND.DOC Exception Handling
4300/EXECUTION.DOC The instruction execution unit
4300/FMDICTIONARY Adobe FileMaker Dictionary
4300/FUNDAMENTAL.DOC Operation Fundamentals
4300/GLOSSARY.DOC Glossary of Terms
4300/HISTORY.DOC Revision History of the documentation
4300/INTRO.DOC Very short Introduction to the documentation
4300/JTAG.DOC JTAG Interface for the CPU
4300/OVERVIEW.DOC Overview of the five-stage execution pipeline
4300/SYSINTF.DOC Chapter 8 System Interface
4300/TEMP.DOC Template based on the Exception Handling chapter
4300/TESTMODE.DOC Test Mode (JTAG)
4300/TITLE.DOC Title Page of documentation

HW & HW2 Folders (Hardware Verilog Models)

Verilog is a Hardware Description Language used to Design and verify hardware. The HW and HW2 folders contain Verilog source code for the Nintendo 64 hardware, including the prototype development boards.

HW.old contains version 1.0 of the RCP Verilog source code presumably for archival reasons.


For more information about Verilog source code click here


This folder contains header files that are distributed with the official N64 SDK to developers plus some additional headers used for internal tools.

Files unique to this directory and not in the SDK are as follows:

  • AudioTools.h
  • DbgDefs.h
  • DbgProto.h
  • DriverD.h
  • Em.h
  • RSP_IPC.h
  • TaskOff.C
  • Trace.h
  • Ultra64.h
  • UltraHost.h
  • verify.h

IOSIM Folder (Input Output Simulation)

This folder contains code for Input/Output simulation for the Verilog models of the N64 hardware.

This seems to be mainly used for testing the prototype N64 hardware while still in development.

KERN Folder

This folder contains the source code for the N64 development board kernel so that it can be used from the Indy workstation.

This consists of the following folders:

  • INSTALL - source for prinstall which installs the SDK
  • MASTER.D - Boot information for n64 development hardware board
  • SYS - Header files for device driver
  • U64 - Device driver source code for /dev/u64

LIB Folder

This folder contains the source code for a variety of different libraries that are not distributed to developers.

  • BRINGUPBOOT - contains code for Boot and pif2Boot, along with IPL4 code
  • LIBAUDIO.SKIP - Old version of the Audio code found in libUltra
  • LIBMPAUDIO - MPEG Audio library (only 2 files)
  • LIBULTRAHOST - Code for functions such as uhOpenGame which communicate with the N64 development hardware
  • ERROR - Seems to be a list of supported Error messages used in libUltra
  • LIBIMAGE - converts libimage.a to
  • LIBRCPPLI - Code for librcppli - unknown purpose
  • LIBVID - Huf Mpeg Video Library


LibUltra is the official Nintendo 64 development library sent out to all developers in compiled form as part of the official SDK. This folder contains the actual source code for this library.

The source code is split into a number of folders based on the specific task:

  • AUDIO - all the Audio functions that start with al in the library
  • GT - Turbo Graphics Utility functions such as gtDumpTurbo
  • GU - all the Graphics functions that start with gu such as guLookAtF
  • IO - Input/Output functions that normally start with os such as osContReset
  • LIBC - Standard C library functions such as sprintf
  • LIBULTRA - Config for creating retail hardware version of libUltra
  • LIBULTRA_D - Config for creating retail hardware version of libUltra with debugging
  • LIBULTRA_EM - Config for creating emulator version of libUltra
  • LIBULTRA_I - Config for creating Indy Workstation version of libUltra
  • LIBULTRA_ROM - Config for creating retail libultra_rom.a library
  • LOG - Debug Functions for logging such as osCreatelog
  • OS - Main operating system functions such as osInitialize
  • RG - Memory region functions such as osMalloc
  • RMON - Reality Monitor functions such as osMalloc
  • SCHED - Scheduler functions such as osCreateScheduler
  • SP - Sprite Library functions such as spMove

Man Folder (Manual Pages)

This folder contains all the Manual pages (known as man pages in unix) for the entire N64 development kit.

If you ever wonder what a specific tool or function was used for in N64 development then this is the best place to search.

During install of the development kit, two versions were created of these files, one in the standard man page location and the other in PostScript file format intended for physically printing out at /usr/src/PR/doc/ps.

RDPSIM & RDPSIM2 Folders (Reality Display Processor Simulation)

These folders contain two different versions of the Reality Display Processor Simulator. One for RCP 1.0 and the other for RCP 2.0.

This was used to help software developers start coding their games while the hardware was still being developed and also as a way to test the hardware while it was being created.

RSPASM & RSPASM1201 Folders (Reality Signal Processor Assembler)

This folder contains the source code for the Assembler used to compile *.S assembly files into RSP microcode (uCode).

To do this they have created a yacc parser grammar file called PARSER.G.Y and a Lexer called PARSER.LX.L. Also included are a few AWK scripts to help the assembler with tasks such as wrapping the file in C code etc.

This is a fairly standard way to create an assembler or compiler and it doesn’t take very long to understand the YACC grammar syntax and you can understand how it works.

The RSPASM1201 is just a previous version of the RSPASM folder from the 1st of December (12/01) used for regression testing of the RSP.

RSPCODE Folder (RSP uCode microcode)

This folder contains RSP source code (known as uCode or microcode) for performing a bunch of tasks on the RSP (Reality Signal Processor) chip.

These include:

  • AUDIO - playing Sounds and Music using the RSP
  • GRAPHICS - Graphics calculations such as Lighting etc
  • MANTEST - Manufacturing Test Vectors microcode
  • MPAUDIO.DELETED - MPEG audio microcode (deprecated)
  • MPVIDEO.DELETED - MPEG video microcode (deprecated)
  • RSPBOOT - The Boot (Startup) code for the RSP
  • VIDEO - MPEG video microcode
  • - compressed version of the GRAPHICS folder

All the source code requires RSPASM to assemble into object files and then RSP2ELF to convert into an executable file format.

RSPSIM Folder (Reality Signal Processor Simulation)

This folder contains the source code for a full simulator (emulator) of the RSP (Reality Signal Processor). This was created to allow developers to start writing RSP scripts while the hardware was still being developed.

There are a few executables that this source code builds which are:

  • rsp - main simulation executable (CLI version)
  • rspg - main simulation executable (GUI version)
  • rsp_ops - utility to dump the disassembly of the command set

These tools helped 1st party developers (and a few lucky third parties) write and debug their RSP microcode on their workstation without constantly testing on the hardware.

N64 RSP - Reality Signal Processor

For more information about the RSP check out this page.

TOOLS Folder

The Tools folder contains the source code of many of the tools distributed in the Nintendo 64 SDK.

There is a Makefile in this directory that can be used to build all of the tools at once.


The CompUtils folder contains code for a bunch of compiler tools such as nld, gdis, gnm and r4300_check.


The Controller folder contains example C code for a Unix (IRIX) program that can access a game controller. Probably useful for testing code before the N64 hardware was ready by connecting a controller directly to the IRIX workstation.

CONV - multigen database conversion tools

Multigen was a tool for creating 3D models and environments on SGI IRIX workstations and so was ideal for creating 3D graphics for the N64.

In fact Nintendo had its own fork of the project specifically for the Nintendo 64 called Ningen.

N64 3D Modelling Software

For more information about MultiGen and Ningen check out this post on 3D Modelling Software for the N64.

The CONV project is source code for a series of tools to convert Multigen models and textures to a format that can be run on the N64. These tools include:

  • flt2c - Convert 3D models in FLT format to C code
  • rgb2c - convert RGB textures to C code
  • ppmquant - reduce colours in pixmap
  • imscale - RGB image scale tool

DATA - Verilog data tools

Not sure exactly what these tools are for but something to do with manipulating .data scripts for Verilog.

Tools included I n this package are:

  • checkaudio - extracts and verifies audio from Verilog log file
  • checkhex
  • checkimage - extracts and verifies image from Verilog log file
  • checkvideo - extracts image from and compare to rgb file
  • data2rdram
  • rdram2data
  • rdram2image
  • rdramgclr
  • bump - creates bump map?
  • dump2mem
  • gbi2mem

There seems to be a few tools from converting rdram to data and back but it is not clear what the purpose of this would be.

DLPRINT - Print DisplayLists

This folder is the course code for a tool called dlprint that basically sits in a loop waiting for Display Lists to be passed to it and it will print them to the console, very useful for debugging.

So how exactly do we pass display lists to the tool? Well it seems to use a macro defined in u64gio.h called DEV_U64_DATA for this purpose and is set to the path: /dev/u64_data.

Notice that this is a UNIX device (in /dev folder) so it is used to communicate with the N64 development board that was inside the workstation.

It calls a function called uhOpenGame which is defined in the LIBULTRAHOST project in the file OPENGAME.C. It returns a file descriptor if it succeeds.

DRIVERD - Driver Daemon startup utility

This folder contains the source code for a program called driverd which is used to setup the N64 emulation hardware. This program is a daemon so it runs in the background and should only ever be running one instance at any given time.

It provides functionality to send commands to running games and read responses. You can use this functionality by using the IRIX device driver for u64. See the dlprint source code above for example code utilising this driver daemon.

EMULATE - N64 Emulator by SGI

This folder contains the source code for the emulate executable and the library libem.a. The emulate tool takes in a rom image and a bunch of parameters whether to enable lighting and openGL.

This tool is used as a High Level emulator running on the IRIX workstation and forks a process of each of the RSP and RDP simulators to handle the additional chips.

GLOAD - Game Loader

This folder contains the source code for the command gload which is use for loading a ROM into the N64 development board inside the IRIX workstation. Unlike the emulate tool this actually runs the game on real N64 hardware.

GPERF - Game Performance Profiler

The source code for the gperf tool is in this folder, the tool is used to help game developers optimise their code by profiling how much time is spent in each function.


This folder contains the source code for the makerom utility which converts a specfile into a ROM image that can be run on the hardware and also an ELF executable that can be run in the debugger (GVD).

KDEBUG - Kernel Debugger

This folder contains the source code for the Kernel Debugger known as kdebug, this tool was used to send debugging information to and from the N64 development kit hardware inside the IRIX workstation. It used the /dev/u64_kdebug device driver for the communication.

GCORD - Code Re-order tool

This folder contains source code for two versions of a tool called gcord, which is similar to the Unix command cord. The purpose is to optimise the game code to fit into the machines cache more efficiently.

usr and var folders

These 2 folders are just extracted versions from the INSTD.tar file at the root of the project, please see the section on that topic for more information.

Glossary of Terms

There are a few terms used in the Oman archive that you may not be familiar with, here we try to list the most common ones.

MSP - Media Display Processor

MSP or Media Display Processor is a term thought up by SGI for their co-processor that purely handles graphic data. You probably know this for its later name as it became the Reality Display Processor when it became part of Project Reality (i.e the N64).

MBI - Media Binary Interface

The Media Binary interface is just a term that refers to the software interface for interacting with the Reality Co-Processor.

ASIC - Application-specific integrated circuit

Used in some of the hardware documentation to discuss the Chips created to excel at a single purpose.
